Blogger custom name.. Customise url on blogger.

Setting up a domain name for your blogger. After setting up a custom domain on blogger, your custom url automatic redirect to your blogger address that will look like pro blog.

How to set custom domain

To set a custom domain, 1st you've to purchase a custom domain address that you can buy from Godaddy or BigRock in a very good price, usually US $1/- only for a url address. After purchasing url, you've to make some settings in bloggers too. These are as step wise guide for.

Step 1:Login to your blogger.

Step 2:Now go to settings.

Step 3:Select Basic Settings.

Step 4:Now in Publishing select/Blog address.

Step 5:Select "+ Set up a third-party URL for your blog"

Click on +setup a third party URL for your blog

Step 6: Enter your URL and click on save.

Enter URL

Step 7: When you click on save, it will show some error massage. And ask you to save HOST and POINT on the server. You've to save these Setting on your server. These setting called DNS settings. This will show 2 HOST, and 2 POINT.

error showing image

Step 8: Now login to your Godaddy account and Select DNS setting.

Select DNS Settings

Step 9: Now add HOST and POINT.
Add CNAME value from step 7.
And ADD A Records values
Check below, you made all setting like this

Verify your settings

Step 10: After doing all this, Open blogger.
Setting of Blogger
Click on save setting, it will be save. And then click edit name and select redirect to

Now you've done. Your blog is ready with new URL address.